My ThoughtsTech Dose

Microsoft Azure for .Net Core Developers, Book for free ?


Greetings Reader, hope you are in good health.

I have an ? announcement to make, I have decided to give away a few copies of my book, Microsoft Azure for .Net Core Developers, for free !! ?

Microsoft Azure for .Net Core Developers, for free !!
Microsoft Azure for .Net Core Developers, for free !!

These copies will be given to the ones who have lost their job due to covid19 – pandemic situation, and are willing to ?‍? upgrade their skills set with Cloud – Microsoft Azure but struggling financially to invest.

No favor, but a sense of responsibility towards the community ?

If you are the one, I mentioned above, please present with your details below: ( Rest assured; your privacy will be maintained )

Others too can contribute to this cause by,

Donating the book – You can fill details in the above Microsoft Form ( Select ‘to Donate’ for Question# 4)

Sharing the post, for wider reach.

Hope this small thought would be beneficial for spiring Cloud professionals.

As a start in your learning journey, please visit my YouTube Channel for Azure related videos.

Best of luck for your bright future ahead.

Happy Azure Learning!


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