
Design Patterns for Distributed Systems in Azure Kubernetes Service


By Stefano Tempesta | Thursday, April 23, 2020, 05:30 PM IST – Duration 60 mins

Containers and container orchestrators have fundamentally changed the way we look at distributed systems. When in the past developers had to build these systems nearly from scratch, resulting in each architecture be sort of unique and not repeatable, we now have the infrastructure and interface elements for designing and deploying services and applications on distributed systems using reusable patterns for micro-service architectures and containerized components.

This session describes implementation design patterns for the deployment of containerized applications on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) that meet requirements for availability, reliability, and scalability. Among the patterns presented, along with practical code samples for AKS, there are Replicated Load-Balanced Services, Sharded Services, and the Scatter Gather pattern.

Stefano Tempesta is CTO at SXiQ, Microsoft Regional Director, MVP on Azure, AI and Business Applications, and co-founder of 365 Community, a non-profit organization whose mission is to empower communities around the world with better ICT processes for customer relationship management and customer service, using modern technology. A technology manager with 20 years of international experience, entrepreneur CTO and advisor for start-ups in Australia, Singapore, and Switzerland, Stefano is an author, a public speaker, a blogger, an event organizer, and an ambassador of beautiful software. His interests extend to microservice architectures, blockchain, IoT and A.I. related technologies.

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